Last year, the VFXG achieved significant milestones, including establishing a board, securing start-up funding from Media Design School, and hiring a part-time Executive Director. We also secured a few member discounts and saw impressive growth in membership. We hosted networking events in three cities and offered exclusive screenings in Auckland and Wellington. The development of a website, newsletter, and social media channels allowed for the dissemination of VFX news, while the introduction of a 'Power Hour' with a VFX Whizz provided valuable expertise to members. 

This year's focus includes several initiatives aimed at advancing the VFX and Animation industry here in Aotearoa New Zealand. Our efforts are currently directed towards securing funding from partners, so that we can deliver on these initiatives. We will be conducting a survey of rates and working conditions for onset VFX workers, and seeking funding for a national one-day event. We are also securing funding to deliver research on the value of the VFX and Animation industry, and advocating for the next generation of workers by collaborating with training providers to foster talent and support business growth. 

We will continue to increase our membership to better advocate with government bodies and ensure industry standards are set with input from the VFX and Animation community.

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