Financial Support for Screen Workers

VFXG would like to thank the Screen Guild for their pānui with the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) about support for Screen Workers who have been affected by the SAG strike in the US.

The Ministry of Social Development now has a team dedicated to helping those people who would have been in work or affected by involuntary job loss due to the strikes.

Financial + Health & Well-being Support for Screen Workers!
The Guild has been talking to MSD and they have put together some information on some support you may be able to access if you have been affected by SAG-AFTRA Union (US) Strike.
MSD now has a team dedicated to helping those people that would have been in work or affected by involuntary job loss due to the strikes.
Direct access to Financial Assistance: Dedicated to affected workers, the team can assess your eligibility for temporary financial support.
Health and Well-being: The team can help you access free and anonymous, phone based counselling.
You don’t need to be on a benefit to access an eligibility check and you could be assisted with:
Accommodation costs
Power, gas, water bills or heating
Child care subsidy queries
Medical and Dental costs

Access the Self Assessment Form via link below.

Whenever you choose to contact the team, their specialists are ready to have a confidential discussion with you.

If you would like to know more about this service, you can also email general enquiries:

Apply here


VFX Guild Launch Event in Wellington


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